Monday, October 27, 2008

i've been tagged

Rules consist of:
Link to the person (Lauren) who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Write Six Random Things about yourself.
Tag a few other people at the bottom of the post and leave comments on their blogs to let them know they've been tagged.
And also let the person who tagged you know when you've written the post.

1. I get the hiccups whenever I eat pancakes, toast, carrots or hamburgers.
2. The longest I've ever gone without biting my nails is a week--and that was almost painfully hard.
3. The sound or feeling of wood scraping against teeth just kills me like a fingernail against a chalkboard.
4. I don't like pie.
5. I've watched Much Ado About Nothing about 5 times in a row and I'm still not sick of it... and I bet I could quote the Emperor's New Groove and Monty Python the whole way through.
6. I have a deadly fear of spiders.

I've always wondered what it would be like to get tagged... huh. It was actually kind of hard thinking up six things... lol... well, I hereby tag Kacie and Christa... yep, looks like everyone else I know on blogger has already been tagged.



ladaisi said...

Your blog is loverly darling!

Maybe we can do a movie night with everybody on Thursday when we get there.

You bite your nails? Disgusting habit. Don't stick your finger up your nose.

Those specific foods huh?

The original tag rules were to tag six people, but I changed it to a few because I don't have six blogging buddies.

The word to post was frugne. That means thrifty fungus.

Unknown said...

your blog looks pretty neato! i like the colors and the pictures.

in what situations does wood ever scrape against teeth? i suppose a toothpick... but i never noticed a sound with that.